From simple day-to-day bookkeeping to complex systems and process restructuring, mgr offers a comprehensive range of business support and consultancy services to help your business achieve its core objectives.
We provide support services for businesses, directors and investors who often ask us to help manage their personal wealth and tax liabilities so that these remain fully harmonised with their business goals.
We are always happy to work closely with your other professional advisors such as solicitors, estate managers and specialist financial advisers.
And when the time comes to sell your business, we’ll be by your side to assist you with the sale and to make certain that all aspects of the transaction are optimally structured for tax purposes.

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Our full range of Business Support and Advice services:
Budgets, Projections and Business Plans
We will translate your business vision into a plan together with supporting financial budgets/projections. These will show where your business currently stands, where you believe it could get to and how you expect it to get there.
And if you’re looking to raise finance for a new business, our service will help you establish and document your vision for the future, in a way that can be relied upon by financiers and by yourself.
IT and Systems Consulting
We are not just here to assist you with your finances and accounting. We also offer a comprehensive IT consultancy service to help you develop and implement the systems and technology that your company needs to operate efficiently and effectively. If you are seeking new ways to optimise your organisation’s systems and processes, we offer a full range of consultancy and review services to ensure you are using your resources and financial structures to optimum effect.
Business Consulting
We will help you establish where your business currently stands and where you’d like to take it. We will then help you to devise the best ways to achieve your objectives. At the same time, we can review your personal wealth and tax situation, to ensure your personal and business goals are aligned. We will also help you build the corporate structure that is most likely to allow you to achieve them and ensure your tax burden is minimised.
Contract Support
Many business contracts you enter into or draft are connected with your organisation’s finances. We will give you and your legal team the support they need to ensure the contract terms are optimised for accounting and taxation purposes.
Financial Controller and Director
Whilst some companies choose to outsource their finance functions to us, others prefer to do it the other way around and contract in the expertise. In this instance, we provide highly-skilled specialist personnel who can become your in-house financial controller or finance director.
GDPR: Consulting, Advisory, Management
If your business holds personal data, perhaps on your customers or staff, we can help ensure you are fully compliant with all the latest data protection regulations such as GDPR. If required, we can provide an experienced and independent Data Protection Officer.
Intellectual Property (“IP”)
We offer a full range of consultancy, support and outsourcing services to help you manage your IP issues. We can help you with royalty accounting, royalty systems, royalty valuation, royalty exploitation and capitalisation of royalty streams and, where necessary, audit royalties streams.
Wealth Consulting
Often working closely with other specialist advisors, we can help our high net worth clients make sure their current and future tax liabilities are optimised and, where appropriate, aligned with their company’s financial objectives.
Business Management and Concierge
We will build a bespoke package of services to help you with the day-to-day administration of your organisation’s finances: bookkeeping, payment processing and managing your bank accounts, chasing debtors, and preparing management information and cash flow projections.
Transaction Support
Buying or selling a business? We will advise you on the transaction including: preparing valuations, grooming your business for optimum sale opportunities, carrying out due diligence reports for purchasers, advising on the tax ramifications of any purchase or sale, helping with the terms of the proposed agreement and preparing the post-completion balance sheets and capital statements.
“Robert – you’re the King of Numbers and utterly brilliant. Thanks mate”
Olly Smith, Wine expert and television personality