“We frequently receive referrals to help clients keep on top of their tax, especially if there is an international aspect to their royalties”
Uncertain cash flows, complex international revenue streams, global merchandising, licensing and royalties earnings. The world of entertainment and sports throws up a number of specialist tax and accounting challenges for your clients and partners.
Now mgr is here to help. Our entertainment team has over 40 years’ experience of working with entertainment industry professionals such as business managers, talent agents, booking agents, publishers, record labels and promoters.
This means you can trust us to put all this experience at your clients’ disposal. We can help them maximise their income, optimise their financial administration and minimise their global tax exposure.

Would you like to know more?
Our entertainment specialists are waiting for your call: 020 7625 4545
Or email us at: richard.taylor@mgr.co.uk
We can support them with ongoing financial management services such as royalty accounting, auditing and collection, tour accounting, tax advice and intellectual property management.
Alternatively, they can call on mgr for specific or short-term support. This could be a one-off royalty investigation, setting up an act’s accounting systems for a world tour or, if your client is based overseas, advising them on HMRC’s FEU regulations.